So, I’m a total newbie when it comes to snowboarding. I did attempt to snow ski a couple of times when I was younger but that didn’t go very well, or should I say it didn’t END very well. No Sonny Bono for me but just a general lack of coordination led to mass amounts of frustration. Apparently skiing is nothing like snow sledding of which I’d probably be considered a professional sledder of they had such ratings.
Even though I live in Arizona, I’m going to make it a New Year’s resolution for 2010 that I learn how to snowboard. There is one major reason behind my new found excitement for snowboarding, Lake Tahoe! We’re planning a New Year’s Eve 2010 trip to Lake Tahoe and I’m tired of being left off of the slopes.
The good thing is that I’ve got some time to accumulate some gear and also learn the tricks of the trade. I suppose the one thing I have going for me is I’m not scared, as long as I can figure out how to regulate my speed on a snowboard then I’ll do just fine. My issue with snow skiing is that I had two speeds, really, really slow, or really, really fast. It was like out of control fast, I never fully grasped the concept of pointing my toes in to slow down, it never seemed to work.
If you live in Arizona you probably already know of Snowbowl but as of late December 2009 they have had almost 30″ of new snow within the last week. If you’re new to snowboarding like me then I found a good resource for us to learn the basics without immediate bruising. The website looks like it’ll be a great reference for us beginners.
If you have any suggestions or good resources please let me know!
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